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We guarantee full anonymity and confidentiality throughout the entire case process.


We take responsibility

Our company strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. 

Our whistleblowing function

Our whistleblowing service is an early warning system to reduce risks. It is an important tool to foster high ethical standards and maintaining customer and public confidence in us.

The whistleblowing service can be used to alert about serious risks of wrongdoing affecting people, our organisation, society, or the environment.

Employees and other stakeholders are encouraged to report any suspected case of misconduct or unethical behavior at any of the companies within Embellence Group. The report can include information regarding criminal offences, irregularities and violations or other actions in breach of EU or national laws, within a work-related context.

You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be made in good faith.

Embellence Group’s whistleblowing function is set-up to allow fully anonymous reporting of any concerns or potential non-compliance by webform, phone or physical meeting. It is important to include information about where and to whom the reported incident occurred.

How it works

  • After submitting a report, it will be handled, investigated and followed-up properly and discretely by a mandated person, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality throughout the process
  • If you report through our web-based tool you can monitor your case through the portal
  • It is voluntary to share your personal information, but remember that this makes you non-anonymous
  • Retaliation of any kind against any whistleblower is a violation of Embellence Group’s Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated.